The use of electricity in the IT sector has both financial and environmental significance. Many data centre cooling systems consume as much electricity as data centre servers do. This has both cost and power availability implications. It is believed the IT sector has a bigger carbon footprint than air travel and consumes over 5% of the developed world’s electricity.

EcoCooling’s direct evaporative data centre cooling systems can reduce your IT or data centre cooling costs by up to 90%, comply with ASHRAE 9.9 and produce a PUE of under 1.1.

  • Lower energy consumption
  • Improve productivity and wellness
  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Cool with 100% fresh, clean air

Direct Evaporative and Free Cooling

EcoCooling data centre cooling

In very cold climates, where ambient temperatures never exceed 25°C, fresh air can be used all year round to cool a data centre. This is called free cooling and EcoCooling’s ECV range is designed specifically to exploit these climates to achieve world-class levels of efficiency.

In warmer conditions, or when IT equipment requires cooler inlet temperatures, EcoCooling uses direct evaporative cooling as an energy efficient (and reliable!) alternative to refrigeration for our data centre cooling systems.

Cooling your Data centre

Reduce your cooling costs by up to 90%

EcoCooling’s range of data centre cooling units are used as part of a mechanical ventilation system to provide a cost effective alternative to refrigeration for large buildings.

Evaporative coolers have a supply air temperature dependent upon the ambient temperature and humidity. With our data centre cooling methods, we’ll help you to reduce your IT or data centre cooling costs by up to 90%, comply with ASHRAE 9.9 and produce a PUE of under 1.1.

We’ve already worked with…

Data centre cooling solutions

“Hydro66 had a very clear vision of how we could bring a new model to colocation – one where the customer wins significantly on both cost and sustainability. We were fortunate to discover EcoCooling who were able to exceed our expectations. Not only in terms of pure efficiency of their equipment but more importantly their desire and capability to enhance their solutions to our specific use case.”