China rates itself as world’s #1

EMC® Corporation has announced results of an independent survey revealing fresh insights about IT strategies and infrastructures deployed within companies and governments throughout the world. Most notably, respondents cite a startling lack of senior executive confidence that permeates organizations globally, specifically concerning readiness around the critical IT requirements of continuous availability; advanced security; and integrated backup and recovery. Reduced investment in these...

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Capgemini is awarded three framework agreements

Capgemini Deutschland GmbH has been awarded three framework agreements with the Data Processing and Information Technology Center (ZIVIT), the internal IT service provider for the Federal Revenue Administration and other federal authorities in Germany. The framework agreements are multi-year deals with a volume of up to 4,840 man-months.

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Weltweite Studie offenbart starken Vertrauensmangel von Führungskräften in ihre IT-Infrastrukturen

Die EMC Corporation hat heute die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Studie vorgestellt, die aktuelle Erkenntnisse über IT-Strategien und -Infrastrukturen in Unternehmen und Behörden auf der ganzen Welt liefert

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Citycom Telecommunication Graz to offer high-availability autonomous private 5G networks for...
Only one third of companies hitting or exceeding revenue growth forecasts.
Strategic radio planning delivered as microservices pave the way for future network automation...
Men&Mice, a key expert in network management, has introduced Micetro 10.1, the latest version of...
Operational management tool provides real-time telemetry and fabric-wide analytics, simplifying...
Carriers gain industry's most feature-rich edge computing solution in smallest footprint.
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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