Build Achievable Plans with Rally’s Capacity Planning

In this Rally product training video, you will learn the value of Capacity Planning, and the steps in Rally to create a simple capacity plan. In agile practices, reliably meeting roadmap commitments requires real data and excellent communication of expectations among teams. Capacity Planning allows the team to use data and team history to predict the viability of a release plan and allows us to easily see where our hard commitments and our stretch goals lie.

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From DevOps to MLOps: The Evolution of DevOps

For developers and the IT industry, the introduction of DevOps has had a profound effect, changing mindsets and making concepts like continuous integration and continuous delivery more popular. By Luca Ravazzolo, Product Manager, InterSystems.

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Look before you leap: why business-wide evaluation of process improvement is critical before investment in new technologies

Despite the hype, comparatively few businesses are reaping success from digital transformation projects. Darren Birt, Director, at FHL Cloud Solutions shares his views on why these projects are failing and companies should carefully assess their key challenges, before making an investment in new technologies.

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Overcoming the barriers to digital transformation

Digital transformation has been on the agenda of business leaders and IT departments alike for some time now. And for good reason. The promise of improved operational efficiencies, faster time to market and better employee collaboration is too great for many to ignore. According to recent research, 70% of companies already either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working on one. By Nick Offin, Head of Sales, Marketing and Operations, Dynabook Northern Europe.

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Efficient monitoring: how to realise a return on investment from container use

Containerised applications are fast becoming an established fact in the IT infrastructure of global organisations. By John Rakowski, vice president of strategy at LogicMonitor.

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Digital transformation

Say the words ‘digital transformation’ and many business leaders will immediately think of the dynamic technologies driving it. But for those companies which embark on digitalisation without considering it within the context of their broader business and, crucially, the people they employ, the chances of failure are high, warns Dr Andy Levers, Executive Director of the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC), which is part of the University of Liverpool. He sets out the key factors that should...

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Cloud-based product suite automates visibility into application errors and performance.
LogicMonitor has opened a new Research and Development Center of Excellence in Pune, India. The new...
Research examines how global organizations are deploying AI and progress on ensuring AI is used...
Innovative new approach for early identification and rapid resolution of performance issues to...
CyberRes’ annual State of Security Operations study indicates 79% of SOCs increased adoption of...
Virtana’s VirtualWisdom with Infinidat’s InfiniBox® provides unique cross-domain visibility.
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How to Adopt an AIOps Strategy: CA Interview with Chris Kline

CA Technologies’ Chris Kline shares how to adopt an AIOps strategy in a DevOps world. Chris shares how AIOps enables a move away from siloed operations management and provides intelligent insights that drives automation and collaboration for continuous improvement. Since AIOps leverages big data, data analytics and machine learning to provide insight and enable a higher level of automation, no longer does IT Ops need to depend extensively on human operators for the management tasks that modern infrastructure and software require.

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