Most companies still not ready security incidents

Lancope-sponsored survey by Ponemon Institute shows that most business managers still know little of the security threats their companies face, or invest enough in the tools of incident response

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Helping hosters move to the cloud

OnApp and WHMCS have partnered up to create a packaged service that can help existing hosted service providers move to the cloud

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PlumSlice partners with Spectrum to hit Far East markets

The design and development collaborations tools of PlumSlice have been added to the enterprise cloud solutions of Spectrum to enrich the latter’s services for the Far East marketplace

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F5 Networks veröffentlicht die Ergebnisse des ersten Quartals 2014

F5 Networks, weltweit führend im Application Delivery Networking, gibt heute Erträge von 406,5 Millionen US-$ im ersten Quartal des Fiskaljahres 2014 bekannt, das sind 3% mehr als die 395,3 Millionen US-$ des vorherigen Quartals und 11% mehr als die 365,5 Millionen US-$ des ersten Quartals des Fiskaljahres 2013

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Red Hat präsentiert Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure 4.0

Red Hat treibt die Open-Hybrid-Cloud-Vision mit der Einführung einer OpenStack-basierten Infrastructure-as-a-Service Platform weiter konsequent voran

Read More, an extremely ambitious data center provider that paid over $500,000 to buy its...
Clients can quickly and easily extend on-premises workloads to Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red...
The new agreement will accelerate the growth of Eurovision Flow, and further strengthen...
The results of a global study reveal that brands are failing to understand the real needs of...
Sigfox migrates its infrastructure to Google Cloud to process billions of messages monthly and...
Red Hat OpenShift 4.16 adds new capabilities in support of virtualized workloads and edge...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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