Kaspersky unmasks `The Mask’

Kaspersky Labs researchers unravel a major, global cyber threat that has been running for several years, and has the fingerprints of nation-state sponsorship all over it.

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Stopping cyber-attacks as they happen

Israeli intelligence spin-off, Cybereason, comes up with a new, real-time way of identifying and trapping cyber-attacks as they are in progress

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Imperva expands cloud defences

An aggressive acquisition and development campaign sees security specialist, Imperva, adding Skyfence and Incapsula to its cloud-based security tools, as well as developing a Web Application Firewall for AWS

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Getting information on PCI DSS 3.0 compliance

Risk management specialist, Agiliance, has responded to the introduction of the latest credit card security standard with a Content Pack designed to help Businesses understand their new compliance needs

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Security through certified development

Standards consortium, The Open Group, has launched a new accreditation process aimed at setting the security design and development standards for new IT products to guard against the risks of cyber-attacks

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SSO gets more `responsibilities’

Onelogin’ Single Sign On tools are now starting to takeover end user applications provisioning as well as access rights as the company adds two European datacentres in response to Snowden eta al

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Cohesive Networks has announced the availability of VNS3:turret. As the latest software offering in...
A leader in factory automation, offloads IT infrastructure burdens to focus on arming business with...
Huawei has launched Digital inCloud, digital service aggregation and distribution platform, which...
Often cited as the weak point of hybrid clouds, security is now being addressed in the latest...
More than three-quarters of respondents using a combination of PaaS, containers and serverless...
Membership demonstrates DataCentred's commitment to the development of open source cloud...
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Security considerations for private Cloud

Cybersecurity today can feel complex, especially if you are moving to or managing cloud security. But it doesn’t have to be. Hear from Rackspace Principal Architect, Luke Huckaba, as he explains some of the major concerns around Private Cloud and Security, and how Rackspace is helping to solve these issues both internally and for customers.

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