Defending against `Cryptopocalypse’

The combined effects of alleged NSA tampering to weaken public key encryption and the rising power of encryption cracking tools means existing encryption tools are suspect, and new tools such as Security Innovation’s NTRU are needed

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Data security – encrypt and risk assess

When every Government around the world is as much a possible enemy as any cyber-criminal or arch business competitor, keeping cloud services and data secure is still a function of maintaining the basics – good (non-public key) encryption, good user authentication and a proper risk assessment of the data itself

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We predict predictions

And first out of the block is CTO Tim Keanini of security intelligence specialist, Lancope, whose New Year predictions suggest that security intelligence will become a core part of business intelligence and management as threat modes get more cunning and scary.  

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Rapid7 puts analytics to work in security

Using analytics tools can help users identify slack or malicious user behaviour, integrate phishing information into risk assessment and prioritise vulnerabilities in cloud, on-premise and mobile environments

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MySherpa reckons OpenDNS security means more profit

Delaware-based MSP, MySherpa is finding that the cloud-delivered security OpenDNS Umbrella service saves both the time of cleaning out malware and the cost of running and maintaining dedicated on-premise security appliances

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K3 launches cloud hosting and consultancy service

New service aims to help users answer the `how to’ questions of moving business operations to the cloud, and then host those answers in operation

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Cloud infrastructures built on Cisco, EMC and VMware technologies can now be made less vulnerable...
Commvault has entered into a multi-year agreement with Microsoft that tightly integrates...
Datapipe will offer Hybrid IT Solutions including managed AWS within Equinix data centres.
Cloud computing market in China and India is expected to triple to over $2.4bn by 2020.
Rackspace has completed its previously announced acquisition of TriCore Solutions, a leader in the...
New as-a-Service portfolio offers IT simplicity, agility and control to help organizations keep up...
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Security considerations for private Cloud

Cybersecurity today can feel complex, especially if you are moving to or managing cloud security. But it doesn’t have to be. Hear from Rackspace Principal Architect, Luke Huckaba, as he explains some of the major concerns around Private Cloud and Security, and how Rackspace is helping to solve these issues both internally and for customers.

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