Zadara Storage adds to VPSA product line

Zadara™ Storage, Inc., provider of enterprise-class private cloud storage by the hour, announced in conjunction with its partnership with NetApp, that it has added a new solution offering - Zadara elastic NetApp Private Storage for AWS – as an addition to its existing Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA) solutions colocated at major public clouds worldwide. Available now, the Zadara elastic NetApp Private Storage for AWS makes available NetApp’s FAS storage array hardware at...

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F5 stellt die neue SynthesisTM-Architektur für Software Defined Application ServicesTM (SDASTM) vor

F5‘s Portfolio an intelligenten Anwendungsdienstleistungen und flexiblen Bereitstellungsmodellen bietet seinen Kunden erfolgreiche Initiativen im Bereich Sicherheit, Mobilität und Cloud

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Higher availability for OpenStack Clouds

Stratus Technologies, Inc. has launched a beta program aimed at improving the reliability of cloud infrastructures. The program will test Stratus’ next-generation suite of software solutions that enable always-on clouds based on the OpenStack cloud operating system.

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Computacenter und bonneacta schließen Partnerschaft - Die E-Akte in vorhandene IT-Infrastrukturen integrieren

Computacenter und bonneacta schließen eine Partnerschaft, um Kommunen sowie Landes- und Bundesbehörden bei der Einführung der Elektronischen Akte (E-Akte) zu unterstützen

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Large hosting providers ignoring tech start-ups

Large hosting providers are neglecting to support growth among London’s tech start-ups due to a failure to respond to incoming requests, warns ServerSpace. The hosting and cloud services provider has today announced its latest contract with newly established software development and services business, ECO-OMG, following the lack of response to enquiries the company was getting from larger providers.

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Nexenta erweitert sein Führungsteam mit der Ernennung eines Chief Operating Officer

Nexenta, der führende Anbieter von Software-Defined-Storage-Lösungen (SDS), hat Phil Underwood zum Chief Operating Officer ernannt. Underwood wechselt zu Nexenta, nachdem er sieben Jahre bei Wyse Technology tätig war, wo er den gleichen Posten bekleidete

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IoT Edge Connect, the newest product in the Edge Cloud solution line, enables real-time messaging...
CensorNet announces the availability of its Unified Security Service, CensorNet USS.
Kao Data has gained global recognition receiving the ASHRAE Technology Award for Industrial...
Transporter for Business makes synching and sharing business data simple, safe and secure. No...
With the investments, IXcellerate will become the third largest operating commercial data center...
Survey unveils the varying influence of CIOs, CFOs and CTOs in Germany and UK.
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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