The Download: A Conversation on the Factors Magnifying Digital Risk

What factors are magnifying #DigitalRisk exposure in your organization? Watch as RSA President Rohit Ghai discuses the challenge with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli on this episode of "The Download."

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Are businesses going into reverse on cybersecurity?

The time needed by UK organisations to recover from a data breach is increasing. Senior decision makers surveyed for NTT Security’s 2019 Risk:Value report expect recovery to take nearly 100 days on average, double the figure of a year ago. They also believe they would lose more revenue as a result of a breach, forecasting almost 13% in 2019 versus almost 10% in 2018. By Azeem Aleem, VP Consulting, NTT.

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Businesses can’t fight what they cannot see

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that if security teams don’t have full visibility into their organisation’s sensitive data and where it resides, cyber attackers will take advantage. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as enterprise data and applications move to the cloud and as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and other emerging technologies are introduced, all of which give adversaries an expanding attack surface to target. By Andrew Bushby, UK director at...

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BitDam defends dairy

BitDam adds an important layer of protection for Scotland’s largest independent dairy.

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Anthem Biosciences secures its IT-OT environment

The advanced solutions elevate security and provide enhanced protection.

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bluedog’s new compliance module allows firms to reassure customers

bluedog Security Monitoring has launched a new compliance module which enables users to check the status of their cybersecurity at any time.

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The UK organisations face the biggest challenges at the data storage stage of the data lifecycle;...
EfficientIP’s DNS Threat Report reveals alarming 57% attack cost rise in last 12 months.
Following cyber-attacks last year against Israel’s water utilities the authority has already made...
68% of IT organisations have no to modest confidence to manage digital threats, despite a...
Research finds implementing RMM solution saves IT professionals ~$50,000 per year.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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