Vom virtualisierten Server zum dynamischen Rechenzentrum - Alles virtuell

Virtualisierung umfasst unterschiedliche technische Konzepte und ermöglicht es, unterschiedliche Zielsetzungen zu verfolgen: Vom virtualisierten Mail-Server über das dynamische Rechenzentrum bis zum Cloud Computing. Von Jochen Puls, Consultant bei der adesso AG in Dortmund.

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Mit dem richtigen Notfallplan die Energieversorgung und den Betrieb im Rechenzentrum immer aufrecht halten

Können Sie sich noch an den letzten Stromausfall erinnern? Nein? Kein Wunder, denn richtige Stromausfälle sind heutzutage eher selten geworden, zumindest hier bei uns in Westeuropa. Spannungsschwankungen kann es aber immer geben. Von Jörg Tarach, Application Engineering/Sales Support Manager für Masterguard Products & Services, Emerson Network Power in Deutschland.

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VMware unveils next-generation products and services

Addressing the needs of organizations to simplify IT, VMware, Inc. has announced a wave of new products and services designed to help IT accelerate their adoption of a software-defined data center architecture and take advantage of the value of advanced virtualization in areas such as networking and security, storage and availability, and management and automation. The news was unveiled at the company's 10th annual VMworld® in San Francisco, where more than 22,000 attendees saw...

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The High-throughput DNA Sequencing Centre at Copenhagen University opts for a centralised,...
Kao Data joins the founding partners at the UK’s first dedicated University Technical College for...
According to a recently published report from Dell’Oro Group, global data center capex is on...
The Schneider Electric University will help data centre professionals upskill by offering free...
WorldStream, a fast-growing hosting provider delivering security-focused solutions including...
Teraco’s new development will be the largest data centre built to date in Africa.
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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