HCL Technologies introduces AI-powered Testing Automation Platform

HCL Technologies has launched HCL TURBO, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based, end-to-end testing automation platform, aimed at communication service providers. HCL TURBO integrates with existing testing tools and equipment, and delivers intelligent test planning in which Internet bots utilize AI and analytics to plan test scenarios and provide automatic test orchestration.

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What can the enterprise learn from the connected home?

By Leigh Moody, UK Managing Director at SOTI.

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Ex-hacker launches blockchain powered cybersecurity solution

Innovative solution forecasts future hacks using AI, blockchain and bug bounties, making cybersecurity affordable to businesses of all sizes.

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London South Bank University to push forward on digital strategy following ANS cloud readiness assessment

London South Bank University has partnered with cloud and managed service provider, ANS Group, as it drives forward on its mission to become the most modern university in London by 2020.

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Artificial intelligence will be commonplace in business within a decade

Approximately one in three companies (32 per cent) believe business use of artificial intelligence will be commonplace within the next decade, new research from TomTom Telematics has revealed.

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UK’s first paperless mortgage process a 'resounding success' for both RBS and its customers

Innovative digital document sharing solution reduces time, costs and more than 7 million pieces of paper per year.

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Boomi has unveiled its vision for the company’s future, along with strategic acquisitions and key...
Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work’s new research finds 50% of retailers plan to...
Despite rising optimism, 86 percent of organizations prevented from pursuing new digital services...
Budget constraints and a lack of time and board support cited as barriers to building more...
Acuutech has announced a new milestone with the launch into the Microsoft Azure Stack Partner...
Catchpoint has introduced a new set of innovative capabilities to advance its Internet Performance...
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Huawei Agile Solution Improves Jumeirah Group

Huawei helps the Jumeirah Group build a robust and agile IT department to support the rapid business expansion of the group.

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