Cabinet minsters fail to see the big picture in shift to SMEs

Cabinet Ministers are failing to grasp the bigger picture behind the government’s move to embrace IT services supplied through SMEs says Peter Groucutt, managing director of Databarracks. This is following comments that small firms are apparently unable to effectively support the IT capabilities of government departments. Recently, Vince Cable, business secretary, and Ed Davey at the energy department, revealed to the prime minister that government departments are at a virtual...

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72% of European businesses face a tech deficit

A research report commissioned by Colt Technology Services has identified a tech deficit, which affects almost three quarters (72%) of European businesses. This tech deficit leads to a gap between what businesses need to achieve and what their infrastructure can support. When compared with their European counterparts, UK companies are amongst the most prepared with 64% citing they face a moderate or significant tech deficit. According to the research findings, the best prepared country is...

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ProLabs has launched its latest portfolio of transceiver solutions that ensures smooth digital...
With support for cloud-based hosting, when deployed top-of-rack, or at a remote location, network...
Focus is on data, AI and edge computing services.
Flexible, energy-efficient, high-bandwidth technology brings hyperscale capacity to South African...
Following success in the US, the company is set to take the EMEA region by storm.
The use of IGEL OS results in the Trust saving £500k not buying new desktops.
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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