Why BYOD is offering new challenges for IT managers

With news that PC sales are on the decline, attention has now turned towards the issue of mobile communications in the workplace - and the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept in particular. However, as Voyager Networks is experiencing, this change in trend means IT managers are facing a whole new set of challenges.

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Big future for video in the workplace

A new generation is entering the management ranks of companies worldwide, and like previous generations, they will bring with them their own preferred ways of communicating and collaborating. A global study by Cisco has revealed that the majority of these next-generation executives intend to depend heavily upon business-class video to connect with their teams, colleagues, suppliers, customers and prospects, as well as to help their businesses deliver new products and services.

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HP advances network industry economics

HP Lifetime Warranty helps customers lower costs while enabling anytime, anywhere support.

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Upgrade in Guernsey will enable Sure to meet demand and future-proof its quadruple play business...
Results confirm the high performance needed to enable successful deployment of complex new...
Managed services agreement to deliver improved network agility and performance, new customer...
New SD-WAN deployment brings additional, unique connectivity capabilities for mobility businesses,...
To satisfy growing customer demands for cloud migration and high-performance applications,...
Significant operational efficiency, enhanced security and network simplicity achieved through...
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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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