Dell treibt Open-Networking-Initiative voran und kooperiert mit Big Switch Networks

Dell erweitert seine Open-Networking-Initiative, die das Netzwerk-Switch-Modell neu definiert und Anwender bei der Entwicklung zukunftsfähiger Rechenzentren unterstützt

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Fluke Networks führt AirCheck™ Wi-Fi-Tester für Windows®- und Android™-Geräte zur effizienten WLAN-Einrichtung, Verwaltung und Fehlerhebung auf internationalen Märkten ein

Neue softwarebasierte Lösungen helfen Vor-Ort-Technikern bei der Minimierung von Wi-Fi-Ausfallzeiten zur Verbesserung der Endkundenzufriedenheit schon beim ersten Besuch

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Dell advances Open Networking initiative

Dell’s open-networking initiative disrupts traditional networking switch model, enables rapid innovation and customer choice through hardware and software disaggregation.

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R&M urges a new understanding of worldwide networking/connectivity demand rises
New access point extends the benefits of Arista’s cognitive unified edge to meet enterprise IoT...
The Wireless Broadband Alliance has published “In-Flight Wi-Fi Connectivity: Improving Passenger...
Fujitsu technology enables the use of multiple wavelength bands to support expanded transmission...
Inmarsat ORCHESTRA, the future network for global mobility and government communications, achieved...
Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology to deploy Nokia 5G SA private network at its Tampere-based test...
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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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