Gigamon to provide customers with a Unified Visibility Fabric Architecture

Gigamon has announced a new vision for software-defined monitoring based on a four-layer architecture. Gigamon’s strategy is to develop a unified Visibility Fabric architecture that would ultimately deliver orchestrated visibility across physical, virtual and software-defined networks (SDN). This approach will build on Gigamon’s existing architecture and the principles of SDN to provide a centralised, programmable approach that aims to bridge the gap between the raw data passing...

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Neue TippingPoint-Appliances beschleunigen Netzwerk-Sicherheit - Neue Systeme im Zwei-Rack-Formfaktor erreichen Datendurchsatzraten bis 20 Gigabit pro Sekunde

HP erweitert sein Angebot HP TippingPointNX Series Next Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) um drei neue Appliances: HP S7500NX, HP S6200NX und HP S2600NX NGIPS sind modular konfigurierbar und erkennen und identifizieren Bedrohungen im Netzwerk besonders schnell. Die Systeme gewährleisten hohe Netzwerk-Sicherheit für Verbindungen mit Geschwindigkeiten von 20, 10 und 3 Gigabit pro Sekunde (Gbps). Die 20-Gbps-Appliance HP S7500NX im Zwei-Rack-Formfaktor erreicht eine der...

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Konzentriertes Fünf-Tage-Training fokussiert Cisco-Technologien im Rechenzentrum

Die Cisco-Zertifizierung auf der Überholspur machen: Das ermöglicht der neue „CCNA Data Center Power Workshop“ (CCNADCPW) bei IT-Trainingsanbieter Fast Lane. Die fünftägige Schulung kombiniert die Inhalte der beiden Kurse „Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking“ (DCICN) und „Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies“ (DCICT). Dabei erwerben die Teilnehmer grundlegendes Wissen zu einem einfachen Netzwerk-Design, zu Cisco...

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Traffic visibility in the new DC world

Everything starts with an idea, every new business process, new service, new product begins with someone saying “I have an idea”. Ideas are great but if they cannot be practically, quickly and economically implemented they stay just ideas. Let’s look at the idea that moving to a more virtualized environment in the data centre can speed up the roll out of new applications, which as a concept no one really disagrees with. By Trevor Dearing, EMEA Marketing Director, Gigamon.

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Qualys and FireMon enable real-time network risk visibility and remediation

Qualys, Inc. and FireMon have announced the integration of QualysGuard Vulnerability Management (VM) and FireMon Security Manager with Risk Analyzer in FireMon’s upcoming Version 7.0 release.

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AWS Wavelength supports ultra-low latency by enabling compute and storage services at the edge of...
The partnership enables Epsilon’s customers to maximise the value of their cloud and digital...
Commercialisation of Europe’s first 5G standalone (SA) network
The London Internet Exchange (LINX) has announced a strategic collaboration with African Internet...
WBA cross-industry survey of service providers, technology vendors and enterprises demonstrates...
Grosse Pointe (Michigan) School System (GPSS) has selected the Ekinops360 optical transport system...
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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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