NED appointment signals intent to expand

LEADING business continuity and information security adviser Jermyn Consulting has signalled clear intent to push ahead with expansion plans by appointing one of the UK’s top Non-Executive Directors to its board.

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Surge in SQL injection

Traditionally a technique of the most talented hackers, automated SQL attack tools are putting enterprises at greater risk of data breach.

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Skyhigh Networks has released the next edition of its quarterly Cloud Adoption and Risk Report. ...
RSA survey reveals consumers falsifying data online to avoid sharing personal information with...
Cogmotive says that EU data hosting is now available to its customers to protect their privacy...
The College of Commissioners approved the political agreement reached and has mandated...
Enhanced Enterprise Data Intelligence solution enables organisations to identify, manage and govern...
Unique facility reinforces Thales’s commitment to improving UK’s cyber security.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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