Sophos reports on the realities of ransomware

Sophos has published a multi-part research series on the realities of ransomware, including an industry-first detailed look at new detection evasion techniques in WastedLocker ransomware attacks that leverage the Windows Cache Manager and memory-mapped I/O to encrypt files. A complementary article examines the evasion-centric arms race of ransomware, providing a months-long review of how cybercriminals have been escalating and markedly changing evasion techniques, tactics and procedures (TTPs)...

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Security analysts ready to quit

Half of first-time security analysts working in Security Operations Centres (SOCs) plan to leave after just three months in the job, according to a study* from SIRP Labs out today. Not one of them plans to stay in their current role for no longer than 18 months. Of all the security analysts interviewed nearly half (48%) of security analysts are considering leaving their role, within 11 months on average.

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Thycotic and Access 42 partner

With the partnership between Access42 and Thycotic, a big step is taken within the Netherlands to make end-users more aware in protecting the most vulnerable accounts within their organization.

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Tanium and Google Cloud join forces

Tanium has expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to help organizations accelerate the transformation to distributed business operations. This new offering, sold by Tanium, will help enterprises detect, investigate, and scope advanced, long-lived attacks (APTs), and includes an integration between Tanium’s Threat Response and Chronicle, Google Cloud’s security analytics platform.

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Malware attacks exploiting machine identities double in 12 months

Malware attacks abusing machine identities grew eightfold over the last 10 years.

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WatchGuard® Technologies has revealed its full list of 10 new information security predictions...
Barracuda’s Secure SD-WAN platform delivers industry-leading security, connectivity, and...
New detection identifies the fundamental behaviours at the heart of enterprise ransomware attacks.
Over half say they would trust technology over humans as a way of avoiding mistakes.
New SSL/TLS decryption/encryption solution provides scalable visibility and management of...
Top 5 predictions fromVincent Smyth, GM & Senior VP EMEA, Flexera Software.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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