Businesses feel the EU Data Protection burden

Over two thirds of IT professionals say they need to invest in new technologies or services to help prepare their business for the impact of GDPR.

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Businesses risk losing customers

The Ponemon Institute and Venafi have released new data from the 2015 Cost of Failed Trust Report, on the inherent risk and direct business impact from unsecured cryptographic keys and digital certificates on Global organizations.

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FireEye and F5 announce global partnership

Strategic alliance combines advanced application delivery technologies with sophisticated threat management for applications and data centers; unifies customer engagement and solution deployment worldwide.

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Nuclear attack security risk is growing

The risk of a serious cyber attack on civil nuclear infrastructure is growing, as facilities become ever more reliant on digital systems and make increasing use of commercial ‘off-the-shelf’ software, according to a major new report from Chatham House.

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End users demand DDoS protection from ISPs

Corero Network Security has published the findings of its Trends and Analysis Report for the first half of 2015. Analyzing customer data, Corero found that attackers are continuing to leverage sub-saturating DDoS attacks with increasing frequency, using shorter attack durations to evade legacy cloud DDoS scrubbing solutions to cause network disruptions and, in some cases, distract victims while other malware infiltrates networks and steals customer information and corporate data.

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Playing it safe in the Cloud

For businesses planning a move to the cloud, the benefits in cost, mobility and scalability must be weighed against the threat of a data breach. If sensitive corporate data is hacked, restoring customer confidence and repairing damage to the brand can be a costly and difficult task. Chris Russell, CTO, Swivel Secure, writes.

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Huntsman Security’s “Essential 8 Scorecard” wins “Best compliance product” and “Best...
Distributor agreement addresses the growing impact of cybercrime on businesses across Europe.
Rackspace has deployed RiskIQ PassiveTotal, a threat intelligence and investigation tool, to...
203 senior security and risk professionals reveal a missed opportunity to leverage DNS throughout...
bluedog Security Monitoring has launched a new compliance module which enables users to check the...
PhishLabs Threat Trends and Intelligence Report show attacks grow 31.5% year-to-date over 2020,...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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