HP WebInspect 10.0 nutzt interaktives Testverfahren, um Anwendungen sicherer zu machen

HP bringt HP WebInspect 10.0, eine neue Version seiner Security-Testing-Lösung für Web-Anwendungen. Zu den Neuerungen der Version 10.0 zählt das interaktive Testverfahren Guided Scan

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FireEye-Studie zeigt die zunehmend globale Natur von Cyber-Attacken

Spezialist für Next-Generation-Threat-Protection veröffentlicht Report zur „Advanced Cyber Attack Landscape“; 184 Länder hosten Crimeware-Server; High-Technology-Unternehmen werden am häufigsten angegriffen; Bei 89 Prozent aller APT-Attacken wurden chinesische Tools eingesetzt

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Cyber attacks and IP theft pose biggest threats

Juniper Networks has announced the U.K. findings of a Ponemon Institute report. Commissioned globally by Juniper Networks, the research highlighted that organisations surveyed in the U.K. are becoming increasingly concerned about the threat of intellectual property theft and confidential information being used to access business-critical systems. 61 per cent of U.K. respondents believe securing web traffic poses a significant threat to network security. Respondents are also seeing the greatest...

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Qualys and FireMon enable real-time network risk visibility and remediation

Qualys, Inc. and FireMon have announced the integration of QualysGuard Vulnerability Management (VM) and FireMon Security Manager with Risk Analyzer in FireMon’s upcoming Version 7.0 release.

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FireEye research reveals increasingly global nature of advanced cyber attacks

FireEye®, Inc. has announced the release of “The Advanced Cyber Attack Landscape” report and interactive maps that provide detailed insight into the global nature of malware communication activity related to sophisticated cyber attacks. The research highlights:

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Australia’s Ballarat Grammar School blocks Web threats

HP’s SDN application enhances students’ online experience, improves classroom productivity.

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Funding to develop Autonomous Industrial Cybersecurity Assistance System prototype granted by...
Despite staggering interest, a top barrier to implementing Zero Trust strategies is, surprisingly,...
Self-paced training modules accelerate user proficiency of the ThreatQ Platform for any operational...
Marked increase in protection of corporate financial information using cloud-based security tools.
Health service uses real-time endpoint data to patch, update, and configure assets.
Inaugural CybSafe Supplier Cyber Security Study reveals SME must increasingly prove cyber...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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