Schrems II: DPAs in Germany begin compliance checks - other jurisdictions soon to follow

Schrems II enforcement is getting off the ground in Germany, highlighting the serious and urgent need for companies to begin steps towards compliance. By Gary LaFever, CEO & General Counsel at Anonos: Lawful Borderless Data.

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Don’t pay the ransom: how to recover from a ransomware attack

Everyone is petrified of ransomware attacks right now, and with good reason. The attacks have penetrated every sector, from academia to local government organizations, to manufacturing, healthcare, high tech and every other sector. By Bill Andrews, President and CEO of ExaGrid.

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Three reasons the security industry is protecting the wrong thing

Why is it that the security industry talks about network security, but data breaches? It’s clear that something needs to change, and according to Paul German, CEO, Certes Networks, the change is simple.

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Top three tips for defending your corporate network this year

Many large businesses spent last year wishing they had been better prepared: for the pandemic; for dealing with political uncertainty; and for increasing and changing security threats. By Rich Turner, SVP EMEA, CyberArk.

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Israel Water Authority taps SIGA for cyber protection of the country’s water supply

Following cyber-attacks last year against Israel’s water utilities the authority has already made a move to enhance existing security.

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New study finds that nearly 90% of organisations faced business email compromise (BEC) and spear...
July 2023 saw record levels of ransomware attacks carried out, with 502 observed by NCC Group’s...
ForgeRock has published findings from its 2023 ForgeRock Identity Breach Report, which revealed...
According to the first in a series of social media polls conducted by Infosecurity Europe 2019,...
Cisco launches new security service edge (SSE) solution to enable superior hybrid work experiences...
Device-to-Cloud suites safeguard and simplify digital transformation with industry-first proactive...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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