EMC to acquire ScaleIO

EMC Corporation has signed an agreement to acquire privately-held ScaleIO, a pioneer in scalable server-based storage software.

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Daten vor allem im Außendienst großen Risiken ausgesetzt

Geschäftsreisen gehören für Außendienstmitarbeiter erfolgreicher und vor allem überregional und international tätiger Unternehmen zum Alltag. Ob Besuche bei Kunden und Interessenten, wichtige Meetings an anderen Unternehmensstandorten oder aber die Teilnahme an Messen oder Kongressen: Die Arbeit ist immer mit dabei – und zwar in Gestalt eines Notebooks oder Tablet-PCs samt den erforderlichen, häufig auch unternehmenskritischen und personenbezogenen Daten

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USACI teams up with Tegile Systems

Tegile arrays help USACI to deliver its XenWinGo suite of Desktop-as-a-Service (DAAS), Virtual Disaster Recovery (VDR) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS) offerings.

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Double coup for Softcat with advanced Symantec Master Specialist certifications

Softcat has achieved its most advanced Symantec accreditations yet in a leap which cements its Symantec technical consultants as among the best in the country. Symantec awarded Softcat the ‘Master Specialisation in Archiving & E-Discovery’, and ‘Master Specialisation in Data Protection’, in a double coup which not only proves the team’s extreme competence in these disciplines, but also grants them priority access to superior post-implementation technical...

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ExaGrid and CA Technologies team up

CA Technologies and ExaGrid® Systems, Inc. have announced an agreement to provide mid-market and small enterprise organisations with quicker, more efficient backup and recovery for both physical and virtual servers.

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Fujitsu stellt umfassende globale Trusted Cloud-Strategie vor

Fujitsu Technology Solutions bietet Kunden eine Vielzahl an Integrations-Support-Services, die Unternehmen und Organisationen in die Lage versetzen, schnell auf Änderungen im Markt zu reagieren, neue Geschäftsfelder zu erschließen und die Komplexität von Cloud-Umgebungen zu meistern. Zu diesem Zweck hat Fujitsu eine globale Strategie entwickelt und baut sein gesamtes Portfolio an End-to-End-Services und -Lösungen für die Cloud aus. Die Basis dafür bildet die...

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Optimising data security with the first European geo-distributed cloud.
Commvault has introduced expanded protection for Kubernetes workloads, including fully automated...
Trusted partner IT Guard enables leading hotel provider to enhance disaster recovery, simplify...
End user spending on IT infrastructure (server and enterprise storage systems) will decline in 2020...
Seven in ten (71%) SMEs believe cloud services will be a central part of their business in the next...
QoreStor 7.1 enables organizations to better protect against ransomware attacks to reduce risk to...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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