EMC stellt mit Pivotal HD eine hochperformante Big-Data-Analyseplattform unter Open-Source-Lizenz vor. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Apache-Hadoop-Distribution beruht auf der nativen Integration von EMCs branchenführender Greenplum Massively-Parallel-Processing-(MPP)-Datenbank und der neuen HAWQ-Technologie, die Pivotal HD zur weltweit leistungsfähigsten Hadoop-Distribution macht. Bei Pivotal HD werden SQL-Abfragen hundertmal schneller ausgeführt als bei SQL-ähnlichen...
Read MoreVeeam launches campaign to help organisations make the move to Modern Data Protection.
Read MoreSGI has announced the introduction of SGI® InfiniteStorage™ 5600, a next-generation high-performance storage platform perfectly suited for high performance computing (HPC) and Big Data workloads. Leveraging field-proven modular architecture, the SGI InfiniteStorage 5600 (IS5600) delivers industry-leading performance per spindle1, meaning customers can achieve extreme performance requirements while reducing their total investment in hardware.
Read MoreTrustwave has opened a new Security Operations Center (SOC) in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, to meet client needs and support the growth of Trustwave’s Managed Security Services. The new Security Operations Center enhances Trustwave’s ability to serve clients headquartered in Asia Pacific, in addition to large, multinational businesses with operations in the region.
Read MoreOpengear has upgraded its Opengear virtual serial port software through a new partnership with Eltima Software.
Read MoreTwinStrata-based data storage solution combines low maintenance approach with peace of mind.
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