Pivotal HD – EMC stellt die weltweit leistungsstärkste Hadoop Distribution vor

EMC stellt mit Pivotal HD eine hochperformante Big-Data-Analyseplattform unter Open-Source-Lizenz vor. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Apache-Hadoop-Distribution beruht auf der nativen Integration von EMCs branchenführender Greenplum Massively-Parallel-Processing-(MPP)-Datenbank und der neuen HAWQ-Technologie, die Pivotal HD zur weltweit leistungsfähigsten Hadoop-Distribution macht. Bei Pivotal HD werden SQL-Abfragen hundertmal schneller ausgeführt als bei SQL-ähnlichen...

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Making the move to modern data protection

Veeam launches campaign to help organisations make the move to Modern Data Protection.

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SGI launches RAID Storage platform for Big Data and HPC

SGI has announced the introduction of SGI® InfiniteStorage™ 5600, a next-generation high-performance storage platform perfectly suited for high performance computing (HPC) and Big Data workloads. Leveraging field-proven modular architecture, the SGI InfiniteStorage 5600 (IS5600) delivers industry-leading performance per spindle1, meaning customers can achieve extreme performance requirements while reducing their total investment in hardware.

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Trustwave opens Security Operations Center in Asia Pacific

Trustwave has opened a new Security Operations Center (SOC) in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, to meet client needs and support the growth of Trustwave’s Managed Security Services. The new Security Operations Center enhances Trustwave’s ability to serve clients headquartered in Asia Pacific, in addition to large, multinational businesses with operations in the region.

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Opengear enhances Virtual Serial Port connectivity

Opengear has upgraded its Opengear virtual serial port software through a new partnership with Eltima Software.

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St. John’s Prep sheds its tapes

TwinStrata-based data storage solution combines low maintenance approach with peace of mind.

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Nutanix has published the findings of its seventh annual Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) survey and...
WALLIX Bastion 9.0 is designed to help customers secure against emerging digital challenges from...
Cohesityhas introduced a mobile app that gives busy IT staff a simple way to manage all of their...
Hosting specialist Exonet has called in Proact to upgrade its existing converged infrastructure...
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse becomes the first hospital in the world to implement BridgeHead’s...
Zerto has introduced Zerto 9, significantly advancing its capabilities in the fight against...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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