Nokia wins Proximus Luxembourg 5G deal to digitise country

Secures nationwide 5G RAN deal; supplies AirScale 5G portfolio including Single RAN.

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Nokia provides 5G-ready private wireless for Leuven Digital City Pole project

Nokia to work with TRES to transform Leuven digital city poles into IoT intelligent urban infrastructure – improving quality of life, enhancing safety, aiding business development.

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Capgemini accelerates the path to maximizing 5G

Altran’s 5G lab provides dedicated environment to design, develop and test new network virtualization and 5G/Edge networks & solutions.

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Cisco to acquire IMImobile

IMImobile’s cloud communications software and services to further Cisco’s vision to create a comprehensive Customer Experience as a Service (CXaaS) offer that gives businesses the ability to deliver consistently enjoyable and rich customer experiences.

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Nokia confirms 5G as 90 percent more energy efficient

Research undertaken together with Telefónica finds 5G networks up to 90 percent more energy efficient per traffic unit than legacy networks.

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Nokia provides province-wide 5G private wireless network

Citycom Telecommunication Graz to offer high-availability autonomous private 5G networks for enterprises, public services and high-quality business solutions.

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BRUSA will become part of Telxius, Telef?nica’s recently created global infrastructure company.
5G subscriptions now expected to reach 1.9 billion in 2024, as operators ramp up deployments and...
Vertu Motors, a major player in the UK automotive retail sector, has built a fully-digitised remote...
Based on the DevOps agility approach, these cloud-native digital solutions enable CSPs to go to...
Huawei has filed a complaint in a U.S. federal court that challenges the constitutionality of...
New research following Mobile World Congress shows uptick in application services implementation to...
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5G Collaboration – Verizon and Arvizio

Verizon’s 5G technology is helping innovators like Arvizio’s Jonathan Reeves change the way people collaborate.

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