Beta Distribution addressing the MSP opportunity

Beta Distribution PLC has appointed Ben Jackson as Director of Sales – Prosumer and Enterprise Channels, to lead the Technology Solutions Division.

  • 7 years ago Posted in
The Technology Solutions Division has been in existence for a couple of years now focusing on developing a ‘disruptive’ product portfolio to provide the VAR and MSP with alternative solutions to the traditional tier one brands. The Division has now been expanded to incorporate a dedicated internal Account Management team to provide pre and post sales technical expertise, Solutions Architects and Business Development Managers to help MSPs enter new markets.

Jackson has been with Beta for eight years and has been in the data industry for over twenty years. He sees this development at Beta as absolutely critical to securing the company’s position as a trusted partner to the channel.

‘We have a very successful business in some of the volume based sectors. We are one of the largest Distributors of tape media in Europe and we sell high volumes of storage drives’, comments Jackson. He continues. ‘Over the last couple of years however we have been making steady inroads into the more complex sales cycle associated with some of our new vendor distribution agreements’.

‘We will now be able to take projects from concept through to final delivery providing truly consultative and expert support for the MSP’, adds Jackson. ‘Creating recurring revenue, enhancing margin and reducing costs will be our core proposition to our channel partners’.

He also points to some of the recruitment that has taken place over the last couple of years. ‘We have been very successful in attracting high calibre people from the industry and we expect to have further announcements in this regard in the near future’.

Beta recently reported that they are on track to achieve a 20% growth in sales this financial year. Steve Soper, Managing Director comments. ‘We will hit ?200m in sales by the end of this financial year. Our core business in AV, print and EOS remains strong and growing and our technology business is on track to deliver double digit growth’. He adds. ‘The Technology Solutions Division will bring us more opportunities for growth as we provide the sort of solutions and advice Managed Service Providers and VARs need to capitalise on the technology challenges faced by their customers’.

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