Digital transformation should top CIOs’ agendas

It is imperative for CIOs to focus on implementing digital transformation. According to a report from Level 3 Communications and IDG Connect, which offers business intelligence, digital transformation is a key focus for organisations across key Western Europe markets, with 60 per cent of current IT investment designed to support future business expansion and growth. Meanwhile, almost two-thirds (64 per cent) of organisations have struggled to adequately implement cloud, mobile or Big Data analytics, as they are unable to keep up with the pace of change.

  • 7 years ago Posted in
To develop the report, 274 senior staff working for organisations headquartered in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium were interviewed to assess their plans for digital transformation over the next two years. Thirty percent of those surveyed were employed in board level positions, including chief information officers (CIO), chief technology offers (CTO) and chief security officers (CSO).
Other findings from the survey:
·         Top three areas of digital transformation investment over the next 18 months:
o    Big Data analytics for business intelligence – 61 per cent
o    Cloud migration – 58 per cent
o    Data security – 57 per cent
  • Factors holding back these transformations:
    • Keeping up with the pace of digital change – 64 per cent
    • Finding the right partners – 63 per cent
    • Implementing effective data security – 62 per cent
  • Investment Drivers:
    • Reducing the cost of IT service delivery by optimising legacy infrastructure – 57 per cent
    • Supporting greater product/ service innovation – 51 per cent
    • A need to improve customer experience and interaction – 50 per cent
Kathy Schneider, senior vice president of Marketing and Product in EMEA, Level 3 Communications, said: “Digital transformation holds a wealth of opportunities for companies. By leveraging cloud, mobile and Big Data analytics, companies can better serve their customers while also improving their own business models.
Keeping up with the pace of change, particularly around digital transformation, hinges on the strength of a company’s underlying network.  At Level 3, we work closely with CIOs to provide the guidance and infrastructure their companies need to meet the challenges of today’s ever-changing world.” 
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