Tieto and Verisec collaborate on new e-identification

Tieto and Swedish digital security company Verisec have entered into an agreement to collaborate on e-identification for the public sector. Under the deal, Tieto will facilitate the integration of a new e-identification solution from Verisec and the different systems and services that are used by Swedish authorities, municipalities and county councils. The aim is to create a mobile, secure and user-friendly e-identification which makes day-to-day life easier for both citizens and public service employees.

  • 7 years ago Posted in
Tieto is one of the leading software- and IT service suppliers in the Nordic region with customers in both the private and public sectors. Several Swedish state agencies, all of the country’s county councils and a total of 275 municipalities already have Tieto systems and services either integrated in their IT environment or in their IT management operations. The ability to digitally identify users is an integral part of an IT environment, but all too often, many different solutions are deployed, which can be costly, restrictive and/or limit user-friendliness.
The collaboration between Tieto and Verisec will result in the log-in and identification processes being simplified and improve the user experience and security.
“We consider e-identification to be a critical and a crucial piece of the puzzle in order to successfully digitalize the public sector. By having an e-identification that is cost-efficient and accessible to everyone, great new opportunities are created to develop new citizen services. With Tieto being a leading driver in the digitalization of Sweden, we place great value on the opportunity to create a new type of e-identification together with Verisec and our ecosystem of customers and partners,” says Mats Brandt, head of Public Sector at Tieto Sweden.
“In our effort to create an e-identification for everyone, Tieto is an important partner in order to offer the relevant services related to directing users to the ecosystem of identities that we will create. A market player like Tieto gives us the prerequisites to reach large user groups and thereby make the new e-identification a key factor in Sweden’s continued digitalization process,” says Johan Henriksson, CEO at Verisec.
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