Telef?nica accelerates new service delivery

Telecom leader reduces cost and time to market of new services while simplifying the development process.

  • 6 years ago Posted in
Telef?nica relies on CA API Management to support communication among disparate elements of its infrastructure supporting more than 200,000 internal and external services. As a result, Telef?nica has reduced project costs and times and accelerated the delivery of new customer services.
Telef?nica's vision to give customers full control and ownership over their digital lives requires their own transformation and end-to-end digitalization. This journey for them includes the evolution of a complex technological infrastructure in which many applications of differing development languages, systems and platforms coexist.
"We bet on APIs to address the challenges presented by the new digital services we offer our customers,” said Carolina Bouvard, BI and Transformation Director, at Telef?nica Espa?a. “CA API Management has proven to be a system flexible enough to expose the APIs of different technologies and allow us to build and manage secure services for internal and external customers in a fast and efficient way."
One of the examples that best illustrates Telefonica’s approach is the new diagnostic solution employed in customer service for resolution of technical incidents. This required the coordinated integration of more than 50 different operational systems.
In addition, Telefonica found that the CA solution also accelerated time to market in several projects, on average, reducing development cycles from three months to two weeks.

Benefits of API management
Telefonica’s API management solution includes two key components of any successful API strategy: To open data and services to third parties, the CA API Gateway enables organizations to expose, secure and manage applications, network systems or infrastructure through APIs in a very simple way. “The solution allows us to define different scenarios and security policies for different types of API consumers”, says Bouvard.
Streamlining processes for developers, CA API Developer Portal simplifies the discovery and testing of APIs and creation of templates to build and release applications faster. With CA API Management, Telef?nica now has the ability to change the technology supporting back-end services without any impact for the end user.

"For digital leaders like Telef?nica, APIs are the central nervous system of the application economy,” says Rahim Bhatia, SVP & General Manager, Developer Products, CA Technologies. “However, APIs also need to be managed and secured across the API lifecycle. CA API Management helps customers like Telef?nica deliver new products and services, and provide better customer experiences in a simple way by eliminating technical complexities when modernizing app architectures to fostering innovation.”
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