Logicalis releases AI innovations

Logicalis Group, the international IT solutions and managed services provider, is to release an all-new global, Digital Service Platform (DSP), designed to increase business uptime and digital assurance to its managed services customers.

  • 4 years ago Posted in
Vince DeLuca, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Logicalis Group says: “Our innovative platform will allow us to deliver fantastic, ground-breaking services that will elevate us in the world of managed services. With Customer Experience as the focal point of our investment, and many hours of research and development, DSP delivers new services powered by Artificial Intelligence Operations (AIOps). Using AIOps with Machine Learning, we can predict and prevent potential failures and, where appropriate, automatically remediate faults before they cause business disruption and downtime. We’re very excited to start a phased release of these powerful capabilities in June of this year.”


DSP features intelligent innovations that:


·         Ensures business continuity and greater peace of mind with early detection and remediation that prevents incidents and reduces the cost associated with outages.

·         Prevents business disruption by intelligently correlating events and systems and detecting anomalies and behavioral patterns for advanced warning of system issues.

·         Self-healing Automation and Automated Request Fulfillment that provides targeted automation to radically enhance Mean-Time-To-Resolution and Request Fulfillment times.

·         Builds upon an optimised, consistent experience by automatically knowing which services to activate, which operations to perform, which priorities to set, where to route, and which service level agreement(s) to trigger

·         Ensures service delivery aligns with what was contracted—when customer contracts go live, all relevant operational functions are automatically inter-connected and activated.

·         Delivers a consistent global experience, no matter where in the world, our customers get a consistent service experience with all Logicalis operation centres and engineers delivering services through DSP.


Robert Bailkoski, CEO, Logicalis Group: “As Architects of Change, we are continuously looking at ways to develop, support and propel our customers’ businesses forward. With the creation of our DSP platform, we are providing our managed services customers with an unrivalled solution, designed to accelerate their ability to innovate and adapt to the digital economy. Both early detection and prevention of downtime and system failures are key to the business continuity and success of our customers around the world”.


According to George Humphrey, Vice President and Managing Director at TSIA, “Based on data insights, TSIA believes that AIOps, Robotic Process Automation and advanced analytics are critical capabilities for MSPs to be investing in and deploying. Based on TSIA research, MSPs that leverage these capabilities see a substantial improvement in SLA commitments, client satisfaction and reduction of risk in technical operations.”

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