New Relic offers open source

New Relic commits to open source instrumentation, integrations, and SDKs, and aligns future offerings with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation OpenTelemetry standard.

  • 4 years ago Posted in

New Relic, Inc. is making the company’s agents, integrations, and SDKs available under an open source license. In addition, New Relic is standardizing its future observability offerings on OpenTelemetry, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, an emerging standard for software instrumentation. New Relic’s support for open source instrumentation and standards will make it easier for software engineers to instrument everything and better understand their digital systems. New Relic’s comprehensive array of agents, integrations, and SDKs are the product of hundreds of thousands of engineering hours and already benefit hundreds of thousands of engineers who count on New Relic every day. With this announcement, the entire development community can benefit from transparency around this ongoing innovation.

“New Relic is committed to open standards, open source instrumentation, and the open communities that support them,” said Bill Staples, chief product officer, New Relic. “The future of instrumentation is open. That’s why we’re taking our significant investments in instrumentation agents and integrations, offering them to the open source community, and committing our engineers to support OpenTelemetry. We want to make it easier for software engineers to instrument everything across their environment, gather complete telemetry, and understand the performance of their digital systems.”

New Relic’s commitment to open instrumentation 

·       New Relic is opening its agents, integrations, SDKs, CLIs, and the custom visualizations in the New Relic One catalog under an open source license. This will make it easier for engineers to access the company’s turnkey instrumentation, and it will give advanced New Relic users a foundation to build their own custom instrumentation.

·       New Relic is standardizing its future products with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) OpenTelemetry standard. The company is investing code, expertise, and financial resources in support of open standards.

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