Zadara Storage adds to VPSA product line

Zadara™ Storage, Inc., provider of enterprise-class private cloud storage by the hour, announced in conjunction with its partnership with NetApp, that it has added a new solution offering - Zadara elastic NetApp Private Storage for AWS – as an addition to its existing Virtual Private...

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Higher availability for OpenStack Clouds

Stratus Technologies, Inc. has launched a beta program aimed at improving the reliability of cloud infrastructures. The program will test Stratus’ next-generation suite of software solutions that enable always-on clouds based on the OpenStack cloud operating system.

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Computacenter und bonneacta schließen Partnerschaft - Die E-Akte in vorhandene IT-Infrastrukturen integrieren

Computacenter und bonneacta schließen eine Partnerschaft, um Kommunen sowie Landes- und Bundesbehörden bei der Einführung der Elektronischen Akte (E-Akte) zu unterstützen

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Mayor of London congratulates Virtus Data Centres

Virtus Data Centres Ltd, (Virtus), London’s flexible and efficient data centre specialists...

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Easynet-Umfrage: Deutsche Unternehmen sind gar nicht so restriktiv bei Social Media

Die Benutzung von Social Media wie Facebook, YouTube oder Twitter durch Mitarbeiter wird in...

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Rechenzentrum der Zukunft: Fujitsu testet die Datenautobahn ohne Tempolimit

Fujitsu präsentiert eine Technologie, die das Design und die Funktionalität von...

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adesso und Backbase kooperieren bei Portallösungen für die Bank 2.0

adesso wird Preferred Partner für Vertrieb und Implementierung der...

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Emulex stellt Gen 5 Fibre Channel Flash Services für virtualisierte Umgebungen und Datenbankanwendungen vor

Neue Emulex ExpressLane und CrossLink Technologien optimieren I/O Performance in Fabric-basierten...

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Fujitsu Forum – A humble lightbulb shows the good and bad of IoT

Fujitsu CTO, Dr Joseph Reger, used a single, IP address-publishing lightbulb to extrapolate out the...

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Cloud-Speicher: WAN-Optimierung ist der Schlüssel zu leistungsstarken Cloud-Storage-Diensten

Unternehmen nutzen in immer stärkerem Maße Storage-Kapazitäten in Cloud-Umgebungen....

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UK CIOs slow to adopt Cloud

Cloud accounts for just 20 per cent of IT budgets.

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Mercury CLOUDCOVER launches

Expert team delivers mission critical to the datacentre, telecommunications, electronics and...

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Erik Nicolai, CEO of Workspace 365, discusses the building blocks of a digital workplace, and more general digital transformation, strategy, highlighting the challenges to be overcome – such as complexity,...
Fevzi Konduk, EMEA Head of Software and ISV partners at Red Hat, explains Red Hat how the company’s ongoing work to transform the global partner engagement experience and offer greater simplicity, choice and...
Gartner’s leading cybersecurity analysts, Michael Kranawetter and Jie Zhang, discuss the findings of two recent research reports – the Hype Cycle for Cyber-Risk Management, 2024 and the Hype Cycle for...
John Booth, MD of Carbon3IT, explains the thinking behind the new National Data Centre Academy, as part of his company’s commitment to decarbonising ICT estates across the globe, by providing training in...

Expert Opinions

By Yiannis Antoniou, Head of Data, AI, and Analytics at Lab49.
By Kamlesh Patel, VP Data Center Market Development at CommScope.