SanDisk enhances FlashSoft software

SanDisk Corporation has announced a significant upgrade to its enterprise software portfolio with a new version of its FlashSoft™ software for Windows Server® and Linux operating systems. FlashSoft 3.2 server-side solid state caching software complements and enhances the performance of...

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QLogic enhances Advanced Solutions Partner Programme

QLogic has announced the introduction of several partner enablement enhancements to the company’s top tier Advanced Solutions Partner (ASP) programme. The ASP programme equips QLogic® partners with the tools and expertise to successfully address the hottest technology developments in...

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WHIPTAIL appoints former EMC Executive Erik Hardy as Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales

Data Storage Industry Veteran Strengthens WHIPTAIL’s Executive Team to drive global expansion and accelerate the adoption of flash storage.

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Making advanced, automated threat protection easier

Trustwave has announced new software that helps businesses better defend against the onslaught of security threats that puts their confidential data and operations at risk – including advanced persistent threats, targeted malware and other forms of cybercrime – while improving...

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Attenda attains new ISO 22301 Accreditation for Business Continuity Management

Aligning to strategic objectives and assessment of BCMS performance.

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SGI und das US-Verteidigungsministerium nehmen mit dem Supercomputer Spirit das schnellste IT-System des Pentagons in Betrieb

SGI, der führende Anbieter von Technical Computing und Big Data, gibt heute bekannt, dass das...

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Toshiba bringt neue portable Festplatte der STOR.E-Slim-Reihe mit 1 TB auf den Markt

Die Storage Peripheral Division der Toshiba Europe GmbH (TEG) präsentiert in der...

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Hitachi Data Systems eröffnet neues Auslieferungszentrum in den Niederlanden

Dank Solarkraft energieneutral konzipierter Komplex unterstützt HDS-Europawachstum

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Silver Peak Systems informiert: "Ohne WAN-Optimierung kein Big Data und Software Defined Networking"

Zwei Technologien sind in den vergangenen Monaten in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses gerückt:...

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Neue Software von PoINT analysiert Primärspeicher - Inaktive Daten aufspüren und auslagern

Die PoINT Software & Systems GmbH hat mit PoINT File System Analyzer ein neues Softwareprodukt...

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Flacher, leichter und schneller: Toshiba kündigt neue Generation von Solid-State-Hybrid-Laufwerken an

Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) präsentiert zwei neue Solid State Hybrid Drives (SSHDs). Die...

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DataCore baut Software-defined Storage-Plattform SANsymphony-V weiter aus

DataCore, führender Anbieter von Storage Hypervisor- und Speichervirtualisierungssoftware,...

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Dells Channel-Geschäft in der Schweiz auf Expansionskurs

Dell konnte seinen Partnervertrieb in der Schweiz im vergangenen Jahr deutlich ausbauen. Für...

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Michael Crean, Senior Vice President Managed Security Services and Spencer Starkey, Executive VP of Sales and Head of EMEA Channels, both at SonicWall, provide a comprehensive update on the company’s Channel...
Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer at Wipro, also a Council of Europe adviser on AI and human rights, provides some fascinating insights into the EU AI Act, the UK’s upcoming AI...
Dr Chris Ballance, co-founder and CEO of Oxford Ionics, explains how the company has developed and proven the building blocks of a high-performance, scalable quantum computer, and has also demonstrated that...
Alain Sanchez, EMEA CISO, Fortinet, discusses the findings of the company’s recent Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap Report that highlights the critical need for a collaborative, multi-faceted approach to...

Expert Opinions

By Rachel Banks, Head of Product Management, Apogee Corporation.
By Graham Jarvis, Freelance Business and Technology Journalist, Lead Journalist – Business and Technology, Trudy Darwin Communications.
By Nicholas Borsotto, WW AI Business Lead and Head of Lenovo AI Innovators Program.
BY Francis O'Haire, Group CTO, Climb.