Schrems II: DPAs in Germany begin compliance checks - other jurisdictions soon to follow

Schrems II enforcement is getting off the ground in Germany, highlighting the serious and urgent need for companies to begin steps towards compliance. By Gary LaFever, CEO & General Counsel at Anonos: Lawful Borderless Data.

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Meeting digital transformation demand

As digitization accelerates, how can the industry increase support for IT and engineering professionals amid a growing skills shortage? By Marc Garner, VP, Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric UK&I.

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Best practices for building an AI serving engine

One of the most critical steps in any operational machine learning (ML) pipeline is artificial intelligence (AI) serving, a task usually performed by an AI serving engine. By Yiftach Schoolman, Redis Labs Co-founder and CTO.

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Recovering from 2020: how digital transformation will be essential for sports in 2021

2020 was a difficult year for everyone, with a huge number of industries suffering thanks to the pandemic. This was certainly the case for the sports industry, which saw reliable sources of revenue, such as ticket sales and food and drink at stadiums, decimated. By Lars Rensing, CEO of enterprise...

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Automated, vetted functionality and the potential of the composable enterprise

In a lot of ways, the economy is like a road; businesses are the drivers and customers are the...

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Overcoming AI challenges in 2021

Gurpreet Purewal, Associate Vice President, Business Development, iResearch Services, explores how...

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Extracting value from invention

Invention is the creation of technology; innovation is how you use that invention to extract value....

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How and when to adopt AI – a digital maturity model

Now more than ever, digital transformation (DX) has become a strategic priority for every...

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Don’t pay the ransom: how to recover from a ransomware attack

Everyone is petrified of ransomware attacks right now, and with good reason. The attacks have...

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Three reasons the security industry is protecting the wrong thing

Why is it that the security industry talks about network security, but data breaches? It’s clear...

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To embrace automation, businesses must build trust in technology

Automation is disrupting the very nature of how humans work. AI, cloud computing, bots, robots,...

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The difference between adaptability and agility

Here, Matt Parker, CEO of Babble, explains the inherent differences between adaptability and...

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Ben Pritchard, CEO of AVK, a fast-growing supplier of innovative and sustainable power solutions for data centres and energy-intensive organisations both here and in Europe, discusses how the data centre...
Ben Rogers, Sales Manager, CloudBilling, explains the ways in which the company helps MSPs to overcome multiple billing challenges by providing automation, standardisation and reducing complexity. CloudBilling...
Dr Clare Walsh, Director of Education at the Institute of Analytics (IoA), and one of the of the world’s leading academic voices in data analytics and AI, discusses the ways in which AI will (and won’t)...
Alkesh Soneji, Director - Sales & Marketing, Infrassist, discusses the problems facing SMB MSPs as they are often too busy ‘keeping the lights on’ to be able to devote enough time an effort into growing...


David Nuti joins Extreme Networks as Head of Security Sales to help drive Extreme’s leadership in the convergence of networking, security and AI.
Fasthosts, an award-winning UK-based hosting provider, has appointed Rupert Bedell as its new CEO.
Netskope has published a new report analyzing the evolution of the CISO role within the retail sector. ‘The Retail CISO: Bringing Balance’, is based on research with over 1,000 CISOs globally, and it...
Alliance aims to drive crowdsourced security at the heart of the region’s cyber defences.