Cyber risk management – bringing security intelligence to the Board

Data breaches are costly. According to a recent Ponemon Institute study, the average breach costs an organisation $3.86 million. A separate study found that, although the share price of breach-affected companies shows its sharpest drop 14 days after the breach is made public, there is still a discernible impact on the organisation’s stock valuation three years post-event. By Josh Lefkowitz, CEO of Flashpoint.

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Apps: the gateway to your private data

Cybercrime is no longer monopolised by elite criminals and no longer consigned to the dark web alone. Recent investigations indicate that hackers have become much braver and are now operating in the open, using popular apps to conduct illegal dealings. Criminals are now using consumer applications like Telegram and social media platforms to trade valuable personally identifiable data (PII) such as stolen payment card details. By Terry Ray, SVP, Imperva.

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The state of IT security

The IT security landscape has changed over the last few years. Historically organisations focused their efforts largely around protecting against cyber attacks, focusing on how they could prevent a data breach, protect their data and systems. A large part of this approach centred on perimeter security, that is securing your network. By Scott Nicholson, director at Bridewell Consulting.

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The Insider Threat: Why Employee Engagement is a Critical Element of Cybersecurity

Beth Hood is a former advisor to the government on protective security. She now runs Verosa – a leadership development consultancy specialising in employee engagement.

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Why CDPs have the edge over DMPs when it comes to ROI

When budgets shrink, spending scrutiny grows — every penny is expected to fuel the highest possible return. So it makes sense that, after the first investment standstill since 2012, marketers are increasingly adopting technologies that can optimise targeting precision and impact, none more so than the customer data platform (CDP). By Lindsay McEwan, VP and Managing Director EMEA, Tealium.

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Where does the responsibility for cloud breaches lie?

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has released a survey which discusses who should be taking responsibility for breaches in the cloud. It’s a good question. The advent of Hybrid IT, among other things, has done much to destroy our traditional notions of the perimeter, with its siloed networks and fortress-like mentality. By Scott Gordon (CSSP), CMO, Pulse Secure.

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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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