IT weaknesses - the barrier to enterprises becoming security-first

Enterprises are increasingly recognising the benefits of embracing a cloud infrastructure to support on-premise networks, but often create complicated network environments in the process. By Justin Calmus, Chief Security Officer at OneLogin.

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From preparation to implementation: How to fully adopt automation in 2019

The last 12 months have seen a shift in how enterprises view automation and its benefits to their security and DevOps teams. Last year, it was found that more than three-quarters of organisations would like the ability to automate some of the day-to-day manual tasks related to their security information and event management (SIEM) systems. Yet, many of those businesses also admitted they are concerned about executing automation because they do not have the employees with the right skillset to...

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Where does responsibility for cloud breaches lie?

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has released a survey which discusses who should be taking responsibility for breaches in the cloud. It’s a good question. The advent of Hybrid IT, among other things, has done much to destroy our traditional notions of the perimeter, with its siloed networks and fortress-like mentality. By Scott Gordon (CSSP), CMO, Pulse Secure.

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It’s time for our notion of the endpoint to change

It’s no secret that IT has evolved and, as a result, so has our approach to cybersecurity. For example, focus has shifted from a purely preventative strategy to one that seeks to reduce the time to detect and mitigate a security incident. However, one thing that hasn’t received a lot of attention is our concept of the endpoint. The endpoint is no longer just the hardware devices connecting to the network, but the applications that users leverage to work with your organisation. By Chad...

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How cloud and mobility are disrupting 30 years of network and security history

The internet is disrupting industries and business models, fundamentally changing the way we live and work in the process. The cloud has also ignited a wave of disruption, which when considered in conjunction with the proliferation of mobile devices, has rendered traditional network and security best practices obsolete. By Yogi Chandiramani Technical Director for Zscaler EMEA.

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What’s the key to secure digital transformation?

Marc Vanmaele, CEO of TrustBuilder explains how banks and financial organisations can best balance the needs of security and user experience as they evolve their IT and processes.

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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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