Delivering Scania (Great Britain) Limited UK’s Dealer System Refresh Project

AppSense, in partnership with Ultima Business Solutions, has announced Scania (GB) Limited has adopted the AppSense User Virtualization Platform (UVP) as part of an infrastructure refresh to their UK dealer system, to increase performance management, provide a consistent end user experience for its 1,200 UK based users and extend the value of their existing Citrix XenApp infrastructure.

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Weltweit erste 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme - Infortrend EonStor DS G7i 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme mit höchstem Datendurchsatz und überragenden IOPS 

Infortrend gibt heute die Einführung der weltweit ersten 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) Storage-Lösungen bekannt. Basierend auf der preisgekrönten EonStor DS G7i Plattform bieten diese neuen Modelle Unternehmen aller Größen eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, ihre Storage-Infrastruktur zu optimieren und zukunftssicher zu planen

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Quantum StorNext übernimmt tragende Rolle in preisgekrönter Visual-Effects-Schmiede

Selbst Oscar-Preisträger brauchen Unterstützung, um mit dem rasanten Wandel in der Filmwelt und der Umstellung auf digitale Formate Schritt halten zu können: Das erfolgreiche Postproduction-Studio Framestore setzt auf das Quantum StorNext File System und Quantum StorNext Storage Manager, um seinen digitalen Workflow zu optimieren und das Datenmanagement zu automatisieren. So konnte das Unternehmen Einsparungen von 30 bis 60 Prozent realisieren.

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Open backup and archive for virtualised environments

Quantum Corp. has announced enhancements to the popular Quantum vmPRO™ software that bring open standard data protection and archive capabilities to virtualised environments. In addition to disk or cloud, vmPRO 3.1 now leverages Scalar LTFS tape technology to provide user-accessible, searchable archive capabilities for VMware data. The new software also greatly simplifies management while improving performance and workload efficiency for backing up virtual machines in their native VMware...

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Managed IT Services Provider awarded Gold status by Veeam

Specialist Managed IT Services provider Netshield are recognised for their technical skills and managed hosting services, by becoming a Veeam Gold Cloud provider.

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Arcserve Cloud ensures end-to-end data protection and offers valuable DRaaS Opportunity.
Comms-care has successfully achieved ISO Standard 22301, which provides a clear framework for...
Introducing EMC ScaleIO Node.
Tarmin Inc. hasunveiled the latest release of GridBank, the industry’s first Data Defined...
Fujitsu delivers continuous availability to protect important data and business-critical services...
Cloud adoption is soaring. According to IDC, worldwide spending on public cloud computing...
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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