adesso und Bosch Software Innovations unterzeichnen Partnervertrag

Der IT-Dienstleister adesso AG und die Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, das Software- und Systemhaus der Bosch-Gruppe, haben einen Solution-Partnervertrag unterzeichnet. Beide Unternehmen wollen zukünftig ihre Expertisen bündeln und Kunden gemeinsam ein breiteres Lösungsportfolio...

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Höchste Auszeichnung für Partnerprogramm von Cubeware

Beim Partnerprogramm-Test von CRM- und BI-Anbietern durch Insalcon erlangt Cubeware als erster und bisher einziger BI-Anbieter fünf Sterne.

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EMC sorgt für erstklassiges Filmerlebnis auf der Berlinale 2014

Die EMC Corporation ist offizieller Partner der diesjährigen Berlinale, die vom 6. bis 16. Februar 2014 stattfindet. EMC wird entscheidende Teile der technischen Infrastruktur der internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin 2014 bereitstellen

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Cloud- und Rechenzentrumsexperte tritt deutschem Kompetenznetzwerk bei

IT-Fachverband BISG e.V. begrüßt Ubique Technologies als neues Mitglied

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Complete goes to market with ChannelCloud

Delivering richer support services to the SMB market has led Complete I.T. to partner with...

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Tintri ernennt Doug Rich zum Vice President EMEA

Ziel: Ausbau des Netzwerks an Distributoren und Resellern

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Making big data run smoothly

Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce system is the target as Compuware aims to iron out the lumps and...

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Colt powers Source’s growth to over $500 billion worth of transactions

Colt’s Optimum services support rapid expansion for Source, an exchange traded product...

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Ocean Networks selects Xtera

Ocean Networks, Inc., the owner and developer of the South America Pacific Link (SAPL) submarine...

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CipherCloud acquires CloudUp Networks

Fully complements its market strategy to secure sensitive data in the cloud.

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Toby Alcock discusses the company’s 10th annual CIO Report, which highlights the many challenges facing CIOs as they seek to deliver the IT infrastructure required to underpin organisations’ digital...
Libby Duane Adams, Chief Advocacy Officer and Co-Founder at Alteryx, believes that businesses can’t afford to fall behind in their AI and data strategy – they must accelerate it to stay ahead of the curve...
Ian Kilpatrick, former EVP of Nuvias and the driving force behind the newly established Tech Channel Ambassadors, explains the thinking behind the organisation – a new Community Interest Company (CIC)...
James Hodge, GVP & Chief Strategy Advisor at Splunk and a member of TechUK AI Committee, discusses the findings of the recent “State of Security 2024: The Race to Harness AI” global research report – in...

Expert Opinions

By Malcolm Howe, Partner, Critical Systems, Cundall.
By Rod Neale, CEO and Founder of Circular Computing.
By Mark Robertson, chief revenue officer and co-founder at Acumen.