SAP majors on cloud delivery, at last

It has taken longer than many expected, and has ruffled the feathers of some competitors, but SAP is now pushing itself as a business with a serious cloud services focus

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Arcavias für TYPO3: Metaways veröffentlicht Version 1.0 für TYPO3 6.2 LTS

Ab sofort ist das erste stabile Release der TYPO3-Version von Arcavias verfügbar. Metaways, der Hauptentwickler der Lösung, garantiert drei Jahre Support für das Release 1.0

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Dynamic Cloud-Costing Service

Romonet has announced the launch of a Dynamic Cloud Costing service aimed primarily at IaaS and PaaS providers.

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Erweitertes Q&A-Modul für eProjectCare Datenraum - Arbeitserleichterung durch verknüpfte Dateien und globales Adressbuch

Die PMG Projektraum Management GmbH, ein Anbieter von intuitiv zu bedienenden Dokumentenmanagement-Lösungen auf Software-as-a-Service-Basis, bringt heute die Version 2.15 von eProjectCare Datenraum auf den Markt. Sie bietet neben dem erweiterten Q&A-Modul noch zusätzliche Funktionen...

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Software AG ist neuer Advanced ISV Partner von Red Hat

Red Hat, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Open-Source-Lösungen, hat heute...

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Overwhelming knowledge and skills deficit in central government is undermining progress of cloud adoption

75% of civil servants say cloud benefits are not understood in their organisation.

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Mietmodell für Software-Lizenzen: TIM bietet Symantec ExSP-Programm an

Im Rahmen des Enterprise Service Provider Licensing Programm (ExSP) können Service Provider ab...

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Mirantis startet neues Partnerschaftsprogramm zur Erweiterung der OpenStack-Ausbilder-Community in Europa und dem Nahen Osten

Neue Partnerschaften werden lokale autorisierte Anbieter befähigen, Fachkräften in einer...

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Ve acquires adGENIE to mashup better advertising

The acquisition is aimed at creating a far more comprehensive and targeted service to businesses...

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Interoute Virtual Data Centre launches in Hong Kong

Interoute adds its first Asian IaaS location extending Europe’s largest cloud platform to...

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Greater partnership in the channel is needed to help tackle transition to the cloud market

Channel resellers are advised to seek out meaningful partnerships with Cloud Services Providers...

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CSPs – it is Not the customers’ fault

CSW Editor, Martin Banks, berates the Cloud Service Providers for blaming SME customers, and for...

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Food vendor, Pepi goes more M2M

Machine-to-Machine telemetry from USA Technologies is now at the heart of how Pepi Companies will...

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Fevzi Konduk, EMEA Head of Software and ISV partners at Red Hat, explains Red Hat how the company’s ongoing work to transform the global partner engagement experience and offer greater simplicity, choice and...
Dr. Avesta Hojjati, VP of Engineering at DigiCert, explains the thinking behind the creation of the first ever World Quantum Readiness Day – detailing the very real threat that quantum computing could...
Eric Herzog, Infinidat CMO, outlines the company’s recent technology launch – the InfiniBox G4 family of cyber secure storage arrays, which incorporates InfiniSafe, InfiniVerse and Storage as a Service...
Dr Chris Ballance, co-founder and CEO of Oxford Ionics, explains how the company has developed and proven the building blocks of a high-performance, scalable quantum computer, and has also demonstrated that...

Expert Opinions

By Kamlesh Patel, VP Data Center Market Development at CommScope.
By James Fisher, Chief Strategy Officer, Qlik.
By Richard Connolly, Regional Director for UKI at Infinidat.
By Mark Gilliland, Director at Cloudhouse.